Advanced Programming Topics

Course Code
ECTS Credits
6th Semester
Course Category

Specialization courses

Specialization courses

Specialization elective courses on Informatics
Course Description

Course contents: (a) Usage of git for source control: basic commands, branching, use of remote repositories (github).(b) JavaFX programming: basic elements of a graphical user interface (text field, button, combo box, check box, radio button, list, etc), layout managers (Stack, Border, Flow, Grid, HBox, VBox panes, etc.), event handlers, menus, dialogs. Inner classes, anonymous classes, basic elements of lambda expressions.(c) Elements of the Java library: Collections (List, Set Queue, Map and their implementations). Algorithms (Arrays, Collections). Equals methods. Object comparison (Comparable, Comparator). Data structure traversal (for-each, iterators). Java Streams. Network programming (simple client-server applications).


Assessment: The course grade will be based on a large programming project (possibly involving a personal examination) and/or programming exercises that will jointly account for 30% of the final grade, and a final examination (on a computer, possibly split in two parts) that will account for the remaining 70% of the final grade. These percentages may vary (+/-10%) each year. In order to pass the course, the student must have a mark higher than 4.5/10 in each part (and exam) of the course and a total mark higher than 5/10.