Computer Architecture I

Course Code
ECTS Credits
2nd Semester
Course Category

Core courses

Core courses

Core Courses
Course Description

Course contents: Introduction, Segmentation, Paging, CISC & RISC processors, Addressing Modes, Instruction Sets, Memory Hierarchies: Cache and Scratch-Pad, Memory Technologies: SRAM and SDRAM, Computer IO Interface, Buses, x86 Assembly.


Assessment: The final grade for the course will be the average of theory and laboratory grades (50% theory + 50% laboratory). The course’s theory has 2 sections. The first concerns the assembly x86 language and the second the basic principles of computer architecture.
Laboratory performance is assessed on the basis of examinations (oral or written) during specific laboratory exercises set by the teacher. The final grade of the laboratory will be determined by the average performance in the examined laboratory exercises.
The course exams grades are considered promotable when the grade of both written theoretical sections are at least 50/100 and the average of the laboratory and theoretical exams must be at least 50/100. The grades in the laboratory or in the theory examination cannot be maintained for the following years.