Specialization courses
Computer Graphics
Course contents: Introduction: elements of linear algebra and geometry, image and color representation, graphics hardware technologies. Algorithms for drawing simple primitives: line segments, circles, polygon filling, antialiasing. Clipping of simple primitives. 2D and 3D transformations, homogeneous coordinates. Projections, perspective, parallel, viewing transformation. 3D model representation. Scene graph. Back-face culling, hidden-surface removal, the z-buffer. Lighting, the Phong illumination model, algorithms based on the Phong model (constant, Gouraud, Phong shading). Texture mapping: types of texture, texture coordinates, texture coordinate generation functions, antialiasing and texture filtering, environment mapping and bump mapping. Shadow generation: shadow volumes, shadow maps. Ray-tracing basics. OpenGL lab.
Assessment: Written exam, and optional coursework with weight 15%-20%.