
Course Code
ECTS Credits
4th Semester
Course Category

Core courses

Core courses

Core Courses
Course Description

Course contents: The objective of this course is to introduce students to the basic concepts and technologies of Electronics and particularly for semiconductor devices. Through this course a student will acquire an understanding about the structure and purpose of the basic electronic semiconductor components i.e. diodes, bipolar transistors, MOSFET, CMOS, and operational amplifier. Analytically: 

Devices and Basic Circuits: Signals, Frequency Spectrum of Signals, Analog and Digital Signals, Amplifiers, Circuit Models for Amplifiers, Frequency Response of Amplifiers, Operational Amplifiers (Op Amps): The Ideal Op Amp, The Inverting Configuration, The Noninverting Configuration, Difference Amplifiers, Integrators and Differentiators, DC Imperfections, Effect of Finite Open-Loop Gain and Bandwidth on Circuit Performance, Large-Signal Operation of Op Amps, Semiconductors : Intrinsic Semiconductors, Doped Semiconductors, Current Flow in Semiconductors, The pn Junction with Open-Circuit Terminals (Equilibrium), The pn Junction with Applied Voltage, Capacitive Effects in the pn Junction, Diodes: The Ideal Diode, Terminal Characteristics of Junction Diodes, Modelling the Diode Forward Characteristic, Operation in the Reverse Breakdown Region—Zener Diodes, Rectifier Circuits, Limiting and Clamping Circuits, Special Diode Types, MOS Field-Effect Transistors (MOSFETs): Device Structure and Physical Operation, Current-Voltage Characteristics, MOSFET Circuits at DC, Applying the MOSFET in Amplifier Design, Small-Signal Operation and Models, Basic MOSFET Amplifier Configurations, Biasing in MOS Amplifier Circuits, Discrete-Circuit MOS Amplifiers, The Body Effect and Other Topics, Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs), Device Structure and Physical Operation, Current-Voltage Characteristics, BJT Circuits at DC: Applying the BJT in Amplifier Design, Small-Signal Operation and Models, Basic BJT Amplifier Configurations, Biasing in BJT Amplifier Circuits, Discrete-Circuit BJT Amplifier, Transistor Breakdown and Temperature Effects.

Lab Exercises: use of multimeter, oscilloscope, Function Generator and power supply and measurements. Implementation on Breadboard of circuits like amplifier using Operational Amplifier, rectifier with diodes, amplifiers with με Bipolar Junction Transistors or MOSFETs, RC, Filters, and LC resonance circuits.


Assessment: Written exams on theory at the end of the semester (70-80% of the final grade) and written/oral exams on the lab (20-30% of the final grade). It is possible to have theory or/and lab exercises, and/or have an intermediate oral or/and written exam, with weight 30-50% of their corresponding weight (theory and lab), of the final grade. All three grades (written exam, lab, possible intermediate exam) must be at least 5. A passing grade of either the coursework or the lab may be retained for subsequent years.