Division of Personnel

The Division of Personnel coordinates, and manages the issues related to the human resources of the University of the Peloponnese and it consists of:

  • Academic and Teaching Staff Department
  • Administration and Special Teaching Staff Department
  • Protocol and Logistics Department
Division of Financial Management and Planning

The Division of Financial Management and Planning is responsible for managing the financial issues in accordance with the applicable law and the decisions of the University.

The Division of Financial Management and Planning consists of:

  • Finance Department
  • Department of Accounting
  • Payroll Department
  • Department of Assets and Procurement
Division of Student Affairs

The Department of Student Affairs aims to improve the living conditions of the students of our University. It provides services concerning students’ life and welfare such as accommodation, catering and scholarships.
On its website there is information on student welfare issues that concern scholarships - awards, the granting of € 1000 housing allowance, sporting activities etc.

Website: http://foitmer.uop.gr

Division of Technical Services

The Division of Technical Services consists of the following Departments and Offices:

  • Department of Programming and Survey
  • Department of Maintenance
  • Department of Administrative Services
  • Department of Energy Management
  • Office of Accessibility for the Disabled


News - Announcements

Rector's Greeting
EDUCATION - Shared Courses