Επιτροπή Ισότητας των Φύλων

The establishment of the Gender Equality Committee of the University of the  Peloponnese was carried out in accordance with the provision of Article 33 of Law 4589/2019 (Government Gazette 13/τ. A΄/29-1-2019) which provides for the creation of Gender Equality Committees in all universities and by decision of the Senate of the University of the Peloponnese (Meeting, number 34, 16/10/2020). It is unpaid and functions as an advisory body to the Senate and the Administrations of the Scools and Departments for the promotion of equality at all levels of operation and in all processes of academic life.

The Gender Equality Committee (GEC) has the following responsibilities: 
(a) develop action plans to promote and ensure substantive equality in the educational, research and administrative processes of the Institution and prepare an annual report, which shall be submitted to the Senate, 
(b) recommending to the competent bodies measures to promote equality and combat sexism, 
(c) provide information and training to members of the academic community on gender and equality issues, 
(d) provide mediation services in cases of complaints of discrimination or harassment, 
(e) promote the development of MSc courses and the holding of seminars and lectures focusing on gender studies, 
(f) promote the preparation of studies and research on issues related to its field of competence, 
(g) assisting victims of discrimination when they complain of discrimination. 
The internal regulations of the UCI shall regulate in particular the issues of support for victims of discrimination by the Commission.

Gender Equality Committee (GEC) Institutional Action Plan for Gender Equality


Communication with the Gender Equality Committee on any matter falling within its remit, as specified below, is by e-mail at




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