

According to the Dictionary of Modern Greek Language by G. Babinioti, Plagiarism is the "appropriation of another's intellectual property" (Babiniotis, 1998) and is derived from the Latin word plagiarius, which means kidnapper (Merriam-Webster Unabridged, 2019).

In academic and research contexts, the term "plagiarism" refers to the incorporation into an intellectual work of ideas, excerpts and/or individual phrases of a third person's work, without any reference to the relevant source from which it is derived.

The legislation places the case of plagiarism in the general context of the protection of intellectual property. In particular, the framework governing intellectual property is contained in Law 2121/1993 (A'25) on Copyright, Related Rights and Cultural Issues.

Plagiarism is not acceptable in academia and constitutes a serious disciplinary offence for members of the academic community. Academic research and writing requires the clear citation of opinions, findings or ideas from the work of other scholars, which must always be accurately referenced in accordance with the applicable rules.

The University of the Peloponnese with the decision of the 129th Senate Meeting (no. 1/22.06.2018) provided access to the plagiarism detection software Turnitin (, implementing the decision of the 83rd Rectors' Meeting (no. 2/06.02.2017) on the awarding of the procurement procedure of plagiarism detection software for Higher Education Institutions to the Association of Greek Academic Libraries (SEAV).

The plagiarism detection software "Turnitin" is an online service for the prevention and detection of plagiarism and the control of documents with inauthentic content. The results can be used to identify similarities with existing sources or in formative assessment to help users learn how to avoid plagiarism and improve their texts.


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