Senate Members




Katsis Athanasios, Professor, Rector


School Deans


Andreiomenos Georgios, Professor, Dean of the School of Humanities and Cultural Studies

Vasilakis Konstantinos, Professor, Dean of the School of Economics and Technology

Leontaris Ioannis, Professor, Dean of the School of Fine Arts

Georgios Kypraios, Professor, Dean of the School of Human Movement and Quality of Life Science

Bisdounis Lampros, Associate Professor, Dean of the School of Engineering

Petropoulos Dimitrios, Associate Professor, Dean of the School of Agriculture and Food

Souliotis Kyriakos, Professor, Dean of the School of Social and Political Sciences

Spiliopoulos Odyssefs, Assoicate Professor, Dean of the School of Administration

Tzavella Foteini, Associate Professor, Dean of the School of Health Sciences


Department Heads


Darras Anastasios, Associate Professor, President of the Agriculture Department

Delli Dimitra, Associate Professor, President of the Department Philology

Kitsos Paraskevas, Professor, President of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering

Venieris Dimitrios-Epameinondas, Professor, President of the Department of Social and Educational Policy

Kokkinos Panagiotis, Associate Professor, Interim Chair of Digital Systems Department

Kolokotronis Nikolaos, Associate Professor, Chairman of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications

Kotzamani Marina-Anastasia, Associate Professor, Interim Chairrnan of thn Performing and Digital Arts Department

Kotsilieris Theodoros, Professor, Chairman of Business and Organization Administration Department

Kriemadis Athanasios, Professor, Interim Chair of the Department of Mamagment Science and Technology

Konstantopoulos Konstantinos, Associate Professor, Temporary Chairman Department of Speech Therapy

Makris Ilias, Professor Chairnan of the Accounting and Finance Department

Marinakis Evangelos, Associate Professor Chairman of the Civil Engineering Department

Mplesios Athanasios, Professor, Chairman of the Theatre Studies Department 

Panoutsopoulos Georgios Associate Professor Interim Chair of the Department Nutrition Science and Dietetics

Prezerakos Panagiotis, Professor, Nursing Department Chair

Spiliopoulos Ioakeim, Associate Professor, Chairman of the Department of Food Science and Technology

Dimopoulos Vasileios, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Agriculture with his deputy, Associate Professor Darras Anastasios

Tzimogiannis Athanasios, President of the Department of Social and Educational Policy 

Tsinopoulos Stefanos, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering

Tsironi Maria, Professor Interim Head of the Department of Physiotherapy

Fotopoulos Georgios, Professor, Head of the Department of Economics

Chouliaras Asterios, Professor, Head of the Department of Political Science and International Relations

Crhistou Athanasios, Professor, Head of the Department of History, Archaeology and Cultural Resources Management


Undergraduate Students

Not defined

Postgraduate students/doctoral candidates

Not defined

Members of the Laboratory Teaching Staff (E.D.I.P.)

Vachaviolos Dimitrios

Members of the Special Educational Staff (SEP)

Vogiatzaki Emmanouela

Members of the Special Technical Laboratory Staff (ETEP)

Psiloudis Ioannis


The following Vice Rectors attend without the right to vote:

Mavreas Konstantinos, Vice Rector of Academic and Student Affairs

Tzirtzilakis Efstratios, Vice Rector of Finance and Electronic Governance

Chatzigiannis Efthalia, Vice Rector for Administrative Affairs, International Relations and Extroversion



Senate Secretariat

Maria Christodimitropoulou

Erythrou Stavrou 28 & Karyotaki, 22131, Tripolis, Greece
tel +30 2710 230 012


News - Announcements

Rector's Greeting
EDUCATION - Shared Courses