Antonia Vasilakou is an educator, actress and director of physical theatre.
She graduated from the Department of French Language and Literature at the University of Athens and then continued her studies with a postgraduate diploma with specialization on Theatre and Performing Arts (DEA-Théâtre et Arts du Spectacle) from the Faculty of Linguistics and Performing Arts at the University Paris X- Nanterre (2005).
In 2014, she obtained her PhD on Theatre and the Representation Arts at the University of Paris Nanterre with “First Class Honors”.
She studied physical theatre at the International School of Mimodrama of Marcel Marceau in Paris (2005) and continues her artistic studies through various drama workshops. Antonia Vasilakou worked in many performances as an actress, choreographer and director, with special interest in festivals throughout Europe.
She gratuated also through a senond MA in Theatre Directing and Dramaturgy (Master 2 Théâtre : Mise en scène et dramaturgie) at the University of Nanterre (2017).
Since 2008 she has been teaching different courses on Physical Theatre at the University of Peloponnese in BA and MA level in the cursus of the Department of Theatre Studies.