1st Semester
Κωδικός Τίτλος Κατηγορία ECTS
01ΥΠΧ01 Introduction to Performing Arts: Theory and Applications



01ΥΠΧ05 Introduction to Visual-Digital Arts



01ΕΠΧ02 Introduction to Technology



02ΕΠΕ06 The Body in the Performing Arts: Dance & Performance



01ΥΠΧ04 Art History



02ΕΠΕ04 Performance and Social Applications I



2nd Semester
3rd Semester
Performing Arts
Κωδικός Τίτλος Κατηγορία ECTS
03ΕΠΚΧ04-ΠΤ Acting: Key Principles and Methods 6
03ΕΠΚΧ0 2-ΠΤ Pedagogy of Performing Arts I: Contemporary Approaches on Performing Arts in Education 6
03ΕΠΚΧ0 5-ΠΤ Dance and Technology: Approaches in Composition and Research 6
-------- Free Elective Course 1 6
-------- Free Elective Course 2 6
Digital Arts
Κωδικός Τίτλος Κατηγορία ECTS
03ΕΠΚΧ 02-ΨΤ Video Art and Multimedia 6
01ΥΠΧ02 Programming and Art I 6
03ΕΠΚΧ0 3-ΨΤ Pedagogy of Digital Arts Ι: Arts and Technology in Education 6
-------- Free Elective Course 1 6
-------- Free Elective Course 2 6
4th Semester
Performing Arts
Κωδικός Τίτλος Κατηγορία ECTS
04ΕΠΚΕ0 1- ΠΤ Multimedia and Direction: Theory and Applications 6
04ΕΠΚΕ0 3-ΠΤ Methodology ΙΙ: Scientific Research and Writing 6
04ΕΠΚΕ0 4-ΠΤ Stage Directing: Key Principles and Methods 6
-------- Free Elective Course 1 6
-------- Free Elective Course 2 6
Digital Arts
Κωδικός Τίτλος Κατηγορία ECTS
02ΕΠΕ03 Programming and Art II 6
06ΕΠΚΕ0 1-ΨΤ Pedagogy of Digital Arts ΙI: Arts and Technology in Education 6
03ΕΠΚΧ0 1-ΨΤ 3D Content Creation I 6
-------- Free Elective Course 1 6
-------- Free Elective Course 2 6
5th Semester
Performing Arts
Κωδικός Τίτλος Κατηγορία ECTS
05ΕΠΚΧ 01-ΠΤ Performance in Greece 6
05ΕΠΚΧ0 2-ΠΤ Pedagogy of Performing Arts IΙ: Contemporary Approaches on Performing Arts in Education 6
04ΕΠΚΕ02 -ΠΤ Performance and Space: The Audience, the Artist and the Performance as Meeting ground 6
-------- Free Elective Course 1 6
-------- Free Elective Course 2 6
Digital Arts
Κωδικός Τίτλος Κατηγορία ECTS
04ΕΠΚΕ03- ΨΤ Virtual Reality I 6
04ΕΠΚΕ01-ΨΤ Performance Art: Theory and Applications 6
05ΕΠΚΧ01-ΨΤ Digital Technology and Character Animation I 6
-------- Free Elective Course 1 6
-------- Free Elective Course 2 6
6th Semester
Digital Arts
Κωδικός Τίτλος Κατηγορία ECTS
06ΕΠΚΧ01-ΨΤ Digital Technology and Character Animation II 6
05ΕΠΚΧ01-ΨΤ 3D Content Creation II 6
06ΕΠΚΕ03-ΨΤ Virtual Reality II 6
-------- Free Elective Course 1 6
-------- Free Elective Course 2 6
Performing Arts
Κωδικός Τίτλος Κατηγορία ECTS
03ΕΠΚΧ 01-ΠΤ The Synthesis of the Arts: The Contemporary Total Work of Art 6
06ΕΠΚΕ0 1-ΠΤ Theatre of the Real: Theory and Applications 6
06ΕΠΚΕ04-ΠΤ Somatic Approaches to Performance 6
-------- Free Elective Course 1 6
-------- Free Elective Course 2 6
4th / 6th / 8th Semester
Κωδικός Τίτλος Κατηγορία ECTS
ΕΑΡΕΕ0 9-ΨΤ Digital Creative Writing, Interactive Literature, Digital Storytelling, Digital Editions 6
ΕΑΡΕΕ10-ΠΨΤ Digital Audio Processing: Music Composition 6
06ΕΠΚΕ02-ΠΤ Theories of Gender and Sexuality in the Theatrical Act 6
ΕΑΡΕΕ18-ΠΨΤ Dance and the Community: Movement Pedagogy and Applied Practice 6
ΕΑΡΕΕ1 9-ΠΨΤ Contemporary Irish Theatre 6
ΕΑΡΕΕ11-ΠΨΤ Scenography: Outdoor Space 6
ΕΑΡΕΕ21-ΠΨΤ Utopia and Dystopia in British Theatre 6
ΕΑΡΕΕ24-ΠΨΤ English for Academic Purposes: Performing and New Media Arts 6
ΧΕΙΜΕΕ1 4-ΠΨΤ Installation Art and Digital Media 6
ΕΑΡΕΕ25-ΠΨΤ Art, Creation and Gender 6
ΕΑΡΕΕ0 3- ΠΤ Introduction to Narrative and Scriptwriting 6
ΕΑΡΕΕ26-ΠΨΤ Ήχος Ι: Ηχητικός Σχεδιασμός-Ηχητικά Sound I : Sound Design – Sound Environments 6
ΕΑΡΕΕ07-ΨΤ Sound ΙΙ : Sound Interactive Systems 6
ΕΑΡΕΕ04-ΨΤ Stages in the Production of an Audio-Visual Project 6
ΕΑΡΕΕ20-ΠΨΤ Participatory / Collective Dramaturgy / The Dramaturg Performer : Theory and Applications 6
04ΕΠΚΕ02-ΨΤ Modern Art 6
ΧΕΙΜΕΕ13-ΠΨΤ Creating Virtual Worlds 6
08ΕΠΚΕ01-ΠΤ Performance and Social Applications IV: Activism and the Public Sphere: Theory and Applications 6
7th Semester
Κωδικός Τίτλος Κατηγορία ECTS
-------- Free Elective Courses 6
ΠΕ Ι Diploma Project Ι (DP) - Optional 12
ΠΑ Job Placement (JP) - Optional 12 ή 18
8th Semester
Κωδικός Τίτλος Κατηγορία ECTS
-------- Free Elective Courses 6
ΠΕ ΙI Diploma Project ΙΙ (DP) - Optional 6
ΠΑ Job Placement (JP) - Optional 12 ή 18