Digital Creative Writing, Interactive Literature, Digital Storytelling, Digital Editions

Course Code
ECTS Credits
4th / 6th / 8th Semester
Σειρά εμφάνισης
Course Category

Elina Roinioti

Course Description

During this course, we will study the different “shapes” and types of the so-called digital creativity, such as blog novels, vlogs, and fan fiction, we will examine visual novels as interactive digital narratives, and experiment with different examples from the popular genre of “choose-your-own-path” adventures. Special focus will be given to digital games and pervasive games, which have their own rules and deploy interesting narrative structures. Students will be exposed to the fundamental concepts of game theory (flow, immersion, presence, and identification) and different narrative design techniques. Easy-to-use online software like Twine will help us create our own interactive digital stories, claiming a place among the so-called zinisters.