Installation Art and Digital Media

Course Code
ECTS Credits
4th / 6th / 8th Semester
Σειρά εμφάνισης
Course Category

Bill Psarras

Course Description

The course focuses on the field of installation art by exploring in depth the historical, methodological and multimedia evolution of such a field during the 20th century. It presents main theories of place and space, approaches on the spatialisation of experience as well as on the hybrid/performative character of installation art by analysing theories and practices of such a field (video installations, sound installations, mixed media, conceptual, interactive, land art) focusing how digital media, projections and space can be active elements. The course analyses theoretical and artistic (multimedia) methodologies by highlighting issues of immersion, site-specificity, interaction, interaction and public space. The course aims to develop aesthetics, art practice and understanding of artwork as an expanded multimedia experience, by focusing on the conception and creation of artworks during the practice part of the course (i.e. use of video, projections, mapping, text, public space, sound). The course provides the opportunity for exhibiting part of the works in a gallery space or festival.