Video Art and Multimedia

Course Code
03ΕΠΚΧ 02-ΨΤ
ECTS Credits
3rd Semester
Σειρά εμφάνισης
Course Category
Digital Arts

Bill Psarras

Course Description

The course aims to present the historical, methodological, social and technological perspectives of Video Art, through selected artists' cases (1960-today), by exploring the important impact of video art in the international contemporary art scene and its development through the wider area of time-based practices and digital arts. It also intends to make students aware of the impact of video cameras as an expressive medium, moving image, sound, screen and other multimedia approaches across related fields such as performance art, installation art, conceptual art, and digital arts. The course aims to underline the creative and artistic aspects of multimedia (video, sound, image, text), the experimental/poetic intersections through visual elements, time, non-linear narrative, text and body gesture. The course aims to cultivate audiovisual aesthetics through art practice with multimedia by focusing on the conception and creation of artworks during the course’s practical part.