Introduction to Visual-Digital Arts

Course Code
ECTS Credits
1st Semester
Σειρά εμφάνισης
Course Category




Bill Psarras

Course Description

The course aims to present an introductory framework of visual arts and their digital/audiovisual perspectives across the 20th and 21st century. It presents the range, the features and methodological implications of visual arts by presenting case studies mainly from painting, sculpture and photography – as traditional fields of art practice, which are based on visual perceptions/sense of vision and which created new hybrid forms of digital arts through technological, cultural and social trajectories. Emphasis will be given to the significance of line, space, colour, light, synthesis and further multimedia such as computer, screen, camera, creative coding, sound and sensors, in order to set the foundations for understanding them as links with emerging forms of digital arts. The course aims to familiarise students with art practice, artistic methods/media across visual-digital arts as well as the polymorphic relationship between art and technology and the main key-periods in such an evolution of the visual-digital arts.