Εξάμηνο Ε ή Ζ
Κωδικός Τίτλος Κατηγορία ECTS
34ΕΧ820 Freehand Drawing I 5
34ΕΧ810 Colour – Line Drawing 5
34ΕΧ800 Theatre Pedagogy and Interculturalism 5
34ΕΧ740 Drama in Education and Learning 5
34ΕΕ720 Topics of Modern Greek History 5
34ΕΧ109 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Ancient Greek Drama 5
34ΕΧ150 Puppet Theatre: Multicultural Traditions 5
04ΖΕ001 Acting III 5
02ΥΕ008Β French Theatrical Culture, Language and Terminology 5
34ΕΧ305 Ancient Greek Tragedy on the Modern Stage 5
34ΕΧ633 Philosophy and Tragedy 5
34ΕΧ632 Ιntroduction to the Science of Music 5
34ΕΧ631 Contemporary Theories of Art Creation 5
34ΕΧ233 Contemporary Theater of the World I (Francophone Middle East, Maghreb, Balkans, West Europe) 5
34ΕΕ013 Theatre Pedagogy VI: Theatre Pedagogy Projects at Social Places and Working Centres 5
4ΕΧ635 Physical theatre technique ΙII: From Biomechanics to the performance theatre 5
34ΕΕ009 Morphology-The Succession of Styles: From Architecture to Furniture 5
34ΕΧ011 Modern Greek Art Ι (From the post-Byzantine period to the end of the 19th century) 5
34ΕΕ016 Masks and Costumes in Ancient Theatre 5
34ΕΧ0735 The imaginary and the metaphysical in the theatrical works of F.G. Lorca 5
04ΖΕ082 Theatre Directing III: Devised theatre 5
34ΕΧ001 Ancient Greek History and Theatre 5
Performing Arts
Κωδικός Τίτλος Κατηγορία ECTS
03ΤΕ001 Directorial Approaches to Ancient Greek Drama 5
03ΤΧ250 Theatre and Literature: Adaptation and Creative Writing 5
34ΤΧ030 Ancient Theatre: Theatrical Space and Scenography 5
34ΕΧ790 Ritual and Ancient Drama: An Anthropological Reading 5
03ΤΧ240 Aspects of Modernism and Postmodernism in Modern Greek Theatre 5
34ΕΕ600 Opera and Theater Music in the Nineteenth Century 5
34ΕΕ701 Roman Drama 5
04ΤΧ003 Film History 5
Digital Arts
Κωδικός Τίτλος Κατηγορία ECTS
03ΖΧ002 Theatre Directing I 5
03ΜΧ050 Dance I: Contemporary and Postmodern Dance Practices 5
03ΖΧ001 Acting I 5
04ΜΧ031 Costume in Performing Arts IΙ 5
03ΖΧ301 Physical Theatre Technique Ι : The poetic body of the actor 5
04ΜΧ00 Multimedia in the Performing Arts I: Lighting and Digital Image 5
Εξάμηνο ΣΤ ή Η
Κωδικός Τίτλος Κατηγορία ECTS
34ΕΕ856 Freehand Drawing II 5
34ΕΕ855 Scale Modelling 5
34ΕΧ850 Festivals and Theatre 5
34ΕΕ820 Shakespeare and his Reception 5
34ΕΕ807 Drama in Education and Inclusive Pedagogy 5
34ΕΕ806 Drama in Education and Creativity 5
34ΕΧ307 The Chorus in Ancient Drama 5
31034ΕΧ109 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Ancient Greek Drama 5
34ΕΕ233 Theater of the World II (Francophone Africa, Caribbean Islands, Indian Ocean, Canada) 5
34ΕΕ643 European Philosophy and Theatre in the 20th century 5
34ΕΕ642 Aesthetics, Ethics, Politics (II): From the Modern Era to the 20th century 5
34ΕΕ601 Music Theatre Performance 5
34ΕΧ014 Theatre Pedagogy V: The Psycho-pedagogic Approach of Theatre Didactics in Education 5
34ΕΕ007 History of European Civilisation 5
34ΕΕ310 History of Ancient Greek Art 5
34ΕΕ222 History and Rembetiko 5
34ΕΕ722 Dance: Somatic Practices 5
34ΕΕ201 Acting and Society ΙΙ: Ethno-drama and Documentary Theatre 5
34ΕΧ201 Acting and Society Ι:The Theatre of the Oppressed 5
34ΕΧ651 Physical Theatre Technique IV: The performer into the open space 5
34ΕΧ630 Thetricality on the Screen 5
34ΕΕ640 Cinema, Memory and History 5